A sure road to better health is to “drink more and eat less”.
Fresh raw juices provide the easiest way for the body to rebuild and regenerate. Reporting on the benefits cf fresh juices, nutritionist Michael Dye says “Drinking freshly extracted juices of vegetables and fruits is the fastest way to obtain the nutrients necessary to restore the human body to health. Our body is a living organism and is made up of living cells that
require living foods (raw fruits and veggies) to function properly. Cooked food is dead and has little nutritional value left in it. Cooking destroys 83 percent of vitamin content, kills all enzymes, denatures protein and turns organic minerals into inorganic form that is not usable by our body.
Explaining the principles of juicing in his book, Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices Dr. N.W. Walker writes that it is natural to ask: "Why not eat the whole vegetable and fruit instead of extracting the juice and discarding the ‘fibers’. The answer is simple - solid food requires many hours of digestive activity before its nourishment is finally available to the cells and tissues of the body. Fruits and veggie fibers have no nourishing value but they do act as an intestinal broom. However, the removal of fibers in the juice extraction process enables juices to be very quickly absorbed and assimilated, sometimes in a matter of minutes, even in an individual with flawed a digestive system.
According to Dr. Khalsa, "the road to perfect health is to drink more and eat less". Many fruits and vegetables can be turned into a concentrated form of nutritional energy by juicing them. Raw juice, when extracted from organically grown fresh vegetable and fruits, provides the easiest way for the body to ingest a high percentage of the vitamins and minerals found in these foods.
Fresh vegetable and fruit juices are usually assimilated within 10 to 15 minutes after you drink them. All fresh juices are alive with enzymes, which deliver vitality and energy to every cell of your body. The main benefit of juice therapy is the introduction of live foods into your body. Live food and raw food are absolutely loaded with all the phytonutrients you need to send a positive healing message to your cells and genes. These nutrients have tremendous health benefits, strengthening your immune system and cardiovascular system as well as your bones, joints, and brain.
Fruits and vegetables you buy may look clean when you pick them out at the shop, but you can't see bacteria, toxins, or chemicals. Therefore, they need to be thoroughly cleansed before you eat or juice them. Once fruits and vegetables are ready for harvest, they are handled by several different pairs of hands in the fields and then at your local fruit and vegetable shops. Various organisms can cause food-borne illness and need to be washed away from your produce. Food scientists at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University developed an effective disinfecting procedure using table salt and natural vinegar. These substances are completely non-toxic and inexpensive and work not only on fruit and vegetables but can be used to sanitize just about anything. Keeping the following points in mind when you include fresh produce in your daily routine would be useful:
Always choose healthy looking, ripe fruits and vegetables when you shop. Avoid bruised, moldy, and mushy produce.
Firmer fruits and vegetables, such as apples and potatoes, can be scrubbed with hands while rinsing with clean water.
Remove and discard the outer leaves of lettuce and cabbage and thoroughly rinse the rest of the leaves.
Fill a big pot with water and mix some table salt in it. Submerge your fresh produce for 10 to 15 minutes.
Enjoy the freshness of fruit and vegetable juices, and see how it drastically improves your health!